
Interior design project for dining room with ornate wallpaper and colorful trim

How We Work

Our interior design process begins with the Research stage, where we dive into understanding the client’s vision, space functionality, and aesthetic preferences. Following this, the Design & Development phase involves translating these insights into visual concepts, floor plans, and material selections. The journey continues through Procurement, where the necessary furnishings and materials are sourced, and culminates with Delivery, ensuring that each design element is expertly placed and the client’s space is transformed as envisioned.

Fort Worth Interior Design

Research & Discovery


We begin with a complimentary 20 minute phone call to gain a clear understanding of your project’s scope and your goals. If we both agree to move forward, we will schedule an initial home consultation.


During this initial home consultation, Amy will visit your home to discuss your general design needs in detail and explore how we can help bring your vision to life. After our initial consultation, Amy will prepare a preliminary proposal for services before proceeding.

Once you’ve been established as a client and we’ve gathered all necessary documents and information—including your client onboarding packet, floor plans, inspiration photos, Pinterest boards, and budget—we will schedule our official design kickoff meeting with you to discuss your more specific preferences and goals.

Design Development


Next, we will begin developing the layout and design direction for your space. Amy will then bring her ideas to life through deliverables such as design boards, color boards etc; showcasing options for color palettes, patterns, textures, furniture styles, flooring types, finishes, fixtures, and more, depending on your needs. These concepts represent an overall vision for the space, in preparation for our next phase which outlines more details in the items we will be sourcing.

If the project is a renovation, we will work through floor plan adjustments, lighting guides, drawings for custom cabinetry, built-ins, shelving units etc. These to-scale drawings will be available for the contractor to utilize during the renovation. Even if the project is not a renovation, we may need to work up a space plan to ensure we’re laying out furniture in the most efficient and reasonable way. Space planning is incredibly important to complete before we begin sourcing furniture in our next phase. It helps us understand what type of furniture to order, what size to order, and how many pieces will fit comfortably in the room.

Home Design in Fort Worth

Fort Worth Interior Design

Procurement & Sourcing


Once we’ve agreed on our overall vision, Amy will develop a source list, which is an interactive product list where the client and designer can communicate back and forth as we make our final selections together. It’s essential that before we make our final material selections and place any orders, everyone is aligned on an approved concept for each space Amy’s designing.

Once the the client approves our design concepts and selections, Amy will elaborate on product and material details and compile finalized shopping lists for you to begin ordering from. This process includes specs for furnishings and decor items, as well as the construction materials. Once this phase is complete, Amy will prepare for construction and/or the final installation, as applicable.

Delivery & Final Install


Once all details are finalized and items are ordered, Amy will oversee the remaining deliverables for the project, including installation and final styling. For renovations or new construction projects, this will involve coordination with the contractor assigned to the project to ensure the renovation is running smoothly and the work is being done correctly.

Once the renovation is complete and all the furnishings, art and accessories have arrived, Amy will schedule one (or more) dedicated days to execute the installation, allowing us to transform your space in a cohesive manner for a stunning grand reveal. Depending on the project, it’s recommended to have a handyman on site in case art needs to be hung, shelving needs to be installed etc.

Delivery & Final Install

stunning results

From Start to End

Seeing a room reach its full potential is exciting, but it doesn’t always start with beautiful beginnings. Here’s a prime example of a kitchen ripe with potential going from an outdated space that didn’t function for the homeowner, into a modern-day fully functional kitchen for our incredible client.

Are you ready for your space to be transformed?